Saturday, September 26, 2009

Utopian Mind-Dystopian Imagination

We have read "WE" and will be reading Brave New World and other Dystopias. We have discussed Solzhynitsyn and communism. We should be starting to think about what the differences are between the utopian mind and its alternative (s).

Kirk seems very much to be insisting that his mind is not utopian. Indeed, Russell Kirk says he has a "Gothic Mind" as opposed to an Enlightenment mind. "I would have given any number of neo-classical pediments for one poor battered gargoyle." What do you make of this? Why is Kirk's imagination not utopian (or is it?) What are the dangers and possibilities of having a "utopian mind"?

If people like Huxley, Orwell, Zamyatin, Chesterton, and others are writing "dystopias," then what are they trying to tell us about our way of thinking? What are they trying to tell us about how we should think of the world? How to Solzhenitsyn and Kirk and Burke fit into this? Why is it the modern world that gives us this genre of "dystopia"?

Study Kirk and think about all this during the week. React as you are able. . .

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Imagination Rules the World

You know imagination rules the world and I guess that is why you are in this course. .. so, let me know something imaginative in your first reaction to this.